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Play Based

"The very existence of youth is due in part to the necessity for play; the animal does not play because he is young, he has a period of youth because he must play."
-Karl Groos
German evolutionary biologist

​Play is an essential learning experience that teaches children flexibility, creativity, how to interact with others, and how to learn.  Unstructured, imaginative play is the focus of our days at Anna’s Little Farm. Research clearly indicates that the current national trend toward decreased play and pressure for early academic training is detrimental to children, and does not predict success later in life. We strive for our kids to be happy and well adjusted. Let them play!

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Nature Based Education 

"Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts."
-Rachel Carson

Being outside feeds the human mind, body and spirit in a way that nothing else can. Sadly, today’s children are more estranged from nature than any generation in the history of humankind. There is mounting research that nature counteracts the impacts of a modern lifestyle, including ailments such as ADD, depression and nearsightedness. We love to send our preschoolers home muddy and tired after a long morning of outdoor play.


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Bi-Lingual Environment

​"If you talk to [someone] in a language [they] understand, that goes to head. If you talk to [somebody] in [their] language, that goes to heart."
- Nelson Mandela


In addition to preparing children for a diverse world, being bilingual improves cognitive skills and decision making ability. Spanish is woven throughout our daily activities. Some of our teachers speak Spanish exclusively while others speak English. We also have a special Spanish lesson with Teacher Rosie once a week, who sings, plays games, and does crafts with us entirely in Spanish.

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Anti Bias Education




We welcome ALL identities.  These include race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental/physical abilities, spiritual beliefs, and many more. We actively support our preschoolers as they explore aspects of their identities. Through conversation, books, and play, we encourage children to think critically about stereotypes, to respect and embrace differences, and to feel pride in their own identity.  We are proud to be a LGBTQIA family-run business and we value our many POC and LGBTQIA families and teachers.

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Copyright 2013 Anna's Little Farm. No Animals were harmed in the making of this website.

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